We specialize in energy efficient, healthy, building designs.
6469 Old Mount Helen Rd, Allardt, TN 38504
Phone 239-565-9791


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Custom Designs


Customizing a Home to Your Lifestyle

A custom home allows the owners to shape a home around the way they live and play.

A custom “Green” home is easier to maintain, has lower energy costs, better access to lower mortgage rates and have higher resale prices..

LoCicero Residence

Pine Island, Florida

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The homeowners sought to capture the romance of a French Provisional farmhouse sited next to a pond.  The program also included a garage/guesthouse for visitors.  A large cupola allows daylight to fill the central living space, accenting the sloped wood ceiling.  The main spaces are oriented to the pond and the whimsical features being constructed there.

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A view of the interior courtyard of a courtyard home in Fiddlesticks

(click images for larger view)

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