We specialize in energy efficient, healthy, building designs.
6469 Old Mount Helen Rd, Allardt, TN 38504
Phone 239-565-9791


Rob's Home Page


DiCarlo Residence
Reilly Residence
Klail Residence

More Renovations

When you love your neighborhood but your house no longer serves your needs, the answer may be a renovation.  A renovation can add more living space, and make better use of existing rooms which redefines your home's livability.

A recent survey asked homeowners what type of an upgrade they perform on their house, the top three were: 1. Make house more energy efficient, 2. Kitchen cabinet update, 3. Make house healthier.

DiCarlo Residence

Sanibel, Florida

Views of the renovated DiCarlo residence
(click to enlarge)

Old Bayside Elevation

Proposed Bayside Elevation

DiCarlo new-front.JPG (249798 bytes)

Old Front Elevation

New Front Elevation

DiCarlooverall.jpg (32166 bytes)

DiCarlospiral.jpg (36925 bytes)

DiCarloint.jpg (15712 bytes)

DiCarlo oldfloor.GIF (6822 bytes)
Old floor plan

New 1st floor plan

New 2nd floor plan

Click to view the Reilly Residence

Fort Myers, Florida

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